
Meet the ‘needle woman’ who is hoping to pin down people for their first foraging experience

Meet the ‘needle woman’ who is hoping to pin down people for their first foraging experience

An acupuncturist from Leeds who has discovered a love to urban foraging is hoping to encourage others to experience the wild on their doorstep.

From teas to broths, there’s a range of healing plants growing in nature even in cities, says Chantal Nogbou of Dragonfly Acupuncture Leeds. 

The mum of four says: 

“Hawthorne and Elderberry are great to pick. 

“It’s just amazing what you can find on your doorstep.” 

Chantal lives on a suburban council estate called Halton Moor and she said that there are plenty of plants to pick near her. 

“There’s apples to make crumble, and we’ve just come end of Mugwort season which is great for women’s health problems. 

“It’s best to pick it during the full moon.” 

Chantal who also set up Leeds Baby Bank said that she enjoys foraging to make herbal teas, using earth grown products to help wellbeing. 

“I’m now running women’s well-being circles and wild walks for foraging.”

Join Chantal on her Wild Wellness Nature Circle on 25th of October 7-9pm at Colton Institute ls15.

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