HomeCommunityInspirational Doncaster fundraiser is writing first book to help other “unique families” with disabilities

Inspirational Doncaster fundraiser is writing first book to help other “unique families” with disabilities

Inspirational Doncaster fundraiser is writing first book to help other “unique families” with disabilities

A young man from Doncaster who was told he would never walk or talk before raising thousands of pounds for charity through sponsored walks, runs and climbing mountains, is continuing to defy the odds with his sites set on becoming an author.

25-year-old Jack Marshall has Moebius Syndrome, a rare condition which means he’s blind in one eye, has reduced hearing; and his condition drastically affects his coordination and balance and his legs are severely disabled.

He said: “My journey has led me to scaling some of the highest mountains, jumping out of planes, heading to Downing Street, carrying the olympic baton, completing 10k races, raising thousands of pounds for charity and winning awards.

Would I ask to be born without my disability? Not a chance. I have learned to love my life.”

Behind the scenes of his extraordinary charity pursuits and being awarded a British Empire Award, Jack is from a modest working class family who wanted to be “normal” but now thrive from not being “mainstream.”

Jack, who is doing a Masters in criminology and criminal justice, said: “My mum and sister have always pushed me to exceed expectations.

“They’ve been there every crawl, roll and step of the way.

“I’m now finishing my Masters after being told by a mainstream school I wasn’t academic. I’m also finishing my first book with the help of a

Ghostwriter with my autobiography being published in the new year.”

Jack came up with the idea when he volunteered in a library and he couldn’t find a book which represented someone with a disability in an optimistic light.

“I would daydream about how powerful it would be if there was a book about someone like me as the protagonist.

“I had the determination in my head to succeed but looking back a clear vision would have helped.

“That said I’ve been lucky enough to have since met lots of inspiring people, campaigners and celebrities which I will feature in my first book.”

Jack has recently launched his blog and social media channels to document his journey and the lessons he learns along the way. This will culminate in his book which is one of his life’s goals.

“Dream. Believe. Achieve. Is one of my favourite mottos. And my own motto is that my abilities far outweigh my disabilities.”

His first book The Boy who Can’t Smile will be out in 2024.

You can follow Jack on social media @jackstreamuk

Go to his website: https://jackmarshallofficial.wordpress.com

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Hi, I’m Sophie Mei Lan, founder of Sparkle (Community Media CIC) which publishes Impact. She is a multi-award-winning Journalist, vlogger, blogger and content creator. Sophie specialises in social affairs issues, mental health and wellbeing, parenting, and Yorkshire. She runs the Mama Mei blog, youtube channel and social media sites through which she can reach over two billion people with one video alone. Sophie is also known as Mrs Yorkshire as she runs the Mr and Mrs Yorkshire channel, presents her own LDC radio show with her husband Danny Malin from Rate My Takeaway and she is founder of Yorkshire Families magazine. When she is not creating content, she works for Yorkshire Post as a journalist as well as column writing for national press. She is also known for her dance and fitness classes across the region under @TheSparkleCoach.

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