Yorkshire model with brain tumour is on a mission to help other disabled models by setting up her own agency
A young Yorkshire model with a brain tumour and who is in remission from cancer is hoping to help other models living with long-term health conditions to make it in the industry.
25-year-old Amber Manning who has appeared in over 40 publications worldwide is hoping to strut her way back into the limelight in two beauty pageants after a two year break while she was having treatment for a brain tumour and early stages of cervical cancer.
“Due to my illnesses, I have had to have time out of the modelling industry to recover but at some point, I could have worked a bit but I would have just needed extra support on a shoot which I didn’t have.
“And when I am not well enough for a shoot physically I realised I had the time to run my own agency and management helping other models with visible and invisible disabilities like me break into the industry.”
The Leeds-based Model set up LIM Modelling Network initially as a passion project but now she is recruiting models professionally to work for her portfolio of clients.
Amber said: “While my health conditions provoked me to set up the network I had already faced adversity due to my race so I am keen that this is a place for any models who may not traditionally have the opportunities or support to sustain a career in the industry to thrive.
“It is vital we have more diverse role models coming forward.”
Amber said that role models are not just about physical appearance it is their story which can inspire and provide hope to people.
Amber, who herself has experienced stigma and criticism, said : “Some individuals would make statements such as: I don’t look sick, I would be constantly ridiculed in public infront of family about my tumour. Whether it be about its symptoms or physically being abused on local outings with remarks about the colour of my skin to cause further distress.”
Amber was originally diagnosed with a Pituitary Adenoma type of benign Brain Tumour and Early Cervical Cancer which is treated as a watch and wait approach to treatment.
Amber said she had years of unexplained symptoms eventually leading to a diagnosis on paper in September 2019. She has since had further complications such as septic shock which in turn made her critically sick, leading to Amber requiring a catheter to help her recovery process.
Amber said: “My brand and representation for the disabled community, intended to provide possibilities that have been historically difficult to uphold without support from well established artists. My intention is to include any aspiring models coming from diverse backgrounds and talents.
“The Business is currently working on branding development, going into the new year.”
This include’s T-shirts and other merchandise due to be released throughout 2024.
Amber is also looking at expanding opportunities, in other sections of the industry including working with Producers and Artists based in the industry, who are keen to be supporting her idea’s to as it represents progress in the Black and Disability communities.
Amber now he a worse prognosis due to further complications around her health.
She is now currently being assessed for surgery, treatment in less than a few weeks. Whilst also competing in National Events, to show that anything is possible.
She added: “Nothing can stop me, the Limmodellingnetwork Brand is a starter point for new models, artists to grow their career on a simplistic platform with the concept of affordability and to provide more opportunities to the working class communities. ”